Facilgo Work Order and Status Reference Guide

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The Supplier Next Step Dashboard in Facilgo is used by Suppliers to organize and track open work orders. This reference guide includes the description and logic of what work orders appear in each dashboard column.


  • WO = work order
  • PO = purchase order
  • QR = quote request
  • FKH = FirstKey Homes
  • PMC = property management company (FKH)


The prefix letter, S or C, in the work order status (e.g. SReviewed, CDeclined) refers to either Supplier or Customer (FKH).

Dashboard Column Description Logic

Pending Cancelation

FKH has requested to cancel the order. Supplier to review and confirm cancelation

Order status=PendCancellation

Confirm WO

Supplier to confirm or reject the WO

Order status= SNewOrder

Schedule WO

Supplier to reach out to resident to schedule appt and edit the WO with the scheduled date/time

WO Status= Confirmed

Unanswered Quote Request

Supplier to provide quote or decline

QR Status=Sreceived, SNotRead, SNotSent

Future Scheduled WO's

WO is scheduled with the resident for a future date

WO Status= SvcSched
AND *TimeNow*< *Scheduled End Date/Time

Complete WO & Invoice

It's past the WO scheduled date, Supplier to complete the WO and invoice

WO Status= SvcSched, SCheckedIn, SIncomplete
AND *TimeNow*> *Scheduled End Date/Time

AND Invoice =NULL

Complete WO (Already Invoiced)

An invoice was submitted but the WO has not been completed. FKH cannot approve the invoice until the WO is completed

WO Status= SvcOrdered, Sreviewed, Confirmed, SvcSched, SCheckedIn, SIncomplete
AND Invoice Status= PendReview, Rejected, Disputed

Disputed WO

FKH has disputed the work order. Review and respond to the dispute.

WO Status= Disputed

Disputed Invoice

FKH has disputed the invoice. Review and respond to the dispute.

Invoice Status =Disputed


Work Order Status Status Definition Supplier Next Steps


A quote request has been sent to a supplier. The supplier has not viewed the QR yet.

Review the new QR.


A work order service order (PO) has been sent to a supplier. The work has not been scheduled yet.

Confirm or decline the order.


When a supplier opens a QR or order, there is an automatic status change to SReviewed status indicating the supplier has reviewed the QR or order.

Supplier opened the QR or order. Supplier should:
Confirm or decline the QR. Confirm or decline the order.


A supplier has sent a quote but the quote is still open. FirstKey Homes has not acted
on the quote after receiving it.

Await a response from FirstKey Homes.


A supplier has confirmed that they will work on the WO.

Schedule work with the resident and input the scheduled start/end date on the WO.


A supplier has scheduled a WO service. There is an automatic status change to SvcSched when the supplier enters scheduled start/end dates.

  1. Perform the work.

  2. Take pictures.

  3. Add comments.

  4. Complete the WO.

  5. Complete the invoice.


A supplier has checked into a WO in the supplier application.

  1. Perform the work.

  2. Take pictures.

  3. Add comments.

  4. Complete the WO.

  5. Complete the invoice.


A supplier has checked out of a WO without completing the WO.

  1. Perform the work.

  2. Take pictures.

  3. Add comments.

  4. Complete the WO.

  5. Complete the invoice.


Supplier completed the WO and is awaiting review by FKH.

Wait for FKH to review the completed WO.


FKH disputes a WO completed by a supplier.

Respond to the dispute via messaging on the WO.

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