Certificate of Insurance How-To

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This article details the Certificate of Insurance (COI) and endorsement instructions that must be validated by VendorShield to confirm the vendor meets the client’s compliance requirements. 

To the Insurance Agent

 Step 1: Review the COI/Endorsement requirements found here AND the VendorShield email you received. (The email lists out the specific policy limit and endorsement requirements for this service provider). 

Step 2: Upload the documents via the Producer Portal. (Click the link found in the email and use “Drop Files to Upload” function for the fastest processing time). 

Do NOT mail the certificates.

To the Service Provider

The visual COI instructions sample found on page 2 shows what your COI should look like to be marked compliant. Pay close attention to the highlighted fields and notations. If your insurance documents are marked non-compliant for a specific reason, compare your COI to the visual COI instructions sample to identify the difference and work with your agent to submit a revised certificate.

In your VendorCafe profile → “Insurance InformationTab, you can view the numeric limits needed for each policy. If you do not meet these limits or do not have a required policy, you will have to work with your insurance agent to obtain the coverage. 

Policy Requirements

General Liability: Occur must be marked
Workers Compensation and Employers Liability: Per Statute must be marked

Endorsement Form Tips

  1. Policy/Insured Identifiers: All endorsement forms that have sections which require policy information, must have those fields filled out with information matching either the certificate of insurance or other policy document (ex: declarations page)
    • Example: If there is a field present for effective dates, it should be filled out with dates matching the COI. If it is left blank, it will be marked non- compliant.
  2. Scheduled endorsement forms (Additional Insured and Waiver of Subrogation) must include the exact language outlined in the instructions above.
    Note: This is not required for blanket endorsements
  3. When a Declaration Page must be submitted:
    • If a scheduled endorsement refers to a declarations page for proof of the covered party, then that declarations page must also be submitted.
    • If a scheduled or blanket endorsement refers to a declarations page for proof that the endorsement was paid for, then that declarations page must also be submitted
  4. VendorShield uses any version of endorsements forms, declarations pages, or the entire policy jacket to determine whether endorsement will satisfy the client requirements.

Other Requirements

Notice of Cancellation: All insurance policies and certificates of insurance shall either include a physical endorsement or language on the standard Accord form providing written notice for cancellation.

You can review the visual COI instructions attached to this artcle.   

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